35 Subscribers: We have a maximum of 35 subscribers per list.
Minimum of 8 Leads: Every day (Mo-Fri) you will receive a minimum of 8 leads. We add more as a bonus.
Minimum of 40% ROI: The ROI is between 55% - 95% but always a minimum of 40%
Minimum Profit of $4: The profit is between $7 - $11 on average but always a minimum of $4
Realistic Profits: We include $0.40/lbs inbound shipping fees and 1 month storage fees when we calculate profits and margins!
100+ Average Monthly Sales: Leads on average have between 50 and 300 sales per month. We also have leads that are 2,000+ sales a month.
IP Safe: All of the leads in our lists are checked for any IP complaints/issues. We do not add any leads that could potentially do harm to your account.
35 Subscribers: We have a maximum of 35 subscribers per list.
Minimum of 8 Leads: Every day (Mo-Fri) you will receive a minimum of 8 leads. We add more as a bonus.
Minimum of 40% ROI: The ROI is between 55% - 95% but always a minimum of 40%
Minimum Profit of $4: The profit is between $7 - $11 on average but always a minimum of $4
Realistic Profits: We include $0.40/lbs inbound shipping fees and 1 month storage fees when we calculate profits and margins!
100+ Average Monthly Sales: Leads on average have between 50 and 300 sales per month. We also have leads that are 2,000+ sales a month.
IP Safe: All of the leads in our lists are checked for any IP complaints/issues. We do not add any leads that could potentially do harm to your account.
15 Subscribers: We have a maximum of 35 subscribers per list.
Minimum of 8 Leads: Every day (Mo-Fri) you will receive a minimum of 8 leads. We add more as a bonus.
Minimum of 40% ROI: The ROI is between 55% - 95% but always a minimum of 40%
Minimum Profit of $4: The profit is between $7 - $11 on average but always a minimum of $4
Realistic Profits: We include $0.40/lbs inbound shipping fees and 1 month storage fees when we calculate profits and margins!
100+ Average Monthly Sales: Leads on average have between 50 and 300 sales per month. We also have leads that are 2,000+ sales a month.
IP Safe: All of the leads in our lists are checked for any IP complaints/issues. We do not add any leads that could potentially do harm to your account.